
This Policy is established by Sara Minner BV, een vennootschap met maatschappelijke zetel te Harensesteenweg 230 bus 2.14 , 1800 Vilvoorde, BTW BE0754.834.303, (hierna ‘Sara Minner’ of ‘Verkoper’).

Sara Minner BV (hereinafter “We”, “our” or “us”,) strives to offer you the best possible service and therefore wishes to preserve your trust in our company by informing you of our policy on the use and storage of cookies.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file placed on the hard drive of your computer or mobile device that is issued by the server of the website you are visiting.

The cookie contains a unique code that allows its issuer to recognize the device concerned (your computer or mobile device) each time the Website is visited.

The cookie identifies the browser on your device, but it never identifies you personally. Furthermore, a website’s server can only read the cookies it has placed and has no access to any other information on your computer or mobile device.

Cookies can either be placed by the server of the website you are visiting “original cookies” or by partners with whom the collaborates “third-party cookies”.

Validity period of a cookie

Some cookies expire when you close your browser “session cookies”, while others remain on your device longer, sometimes even until you manually delete them “permanent cookies”.

In general, cookies have a limited validity period. The most common validity period is 30 days and the maximum duration is 13 months from the day the cookie is placed on your device.

General purpose of cookies

The primary purpose of cookies is to ensure a more efficient and rapid navigation (e. g. a cookie remembers the language you choose, identifies you when you access your account,…). Cookies store your preferences and thus allow you to speed up and facilitate your access to the site.

They also help us to understand how you navigate our Website.

In addition, they make the content of a website or the advertising on that website more relevant to you. The site will therefore be adapted to your personal preferences and needs.

Cookie management

To place certain cookies on your device, it is necessary for us to obtain your prior and explicit consent. We obtain your consent through the banner placed on the home page of the Website.

Furthermore, most browsers use cookies. You can also delete these cookies or refuse their installation at any time and free of charge by modifying the options of your browser software. The configuration of each browser is different. Each procedure is described in the help menu of your browser. To do this, please go to the following links:

Firefox :

Chrome : 

Safari :

Internet Explorer :

By refusing the use of cookies, you can still access our Website. However, some features will be limited or even impossible.

Types of cookies

1. Technical cookies

These cookies, which only contain your IP address, are essential for visiting the site.

They allow you to:

  • surf on the different pages of the Website and enjoy its features;
  • complete forms;
  • ensure that your identity is verified when you access your personal data;
  • secure access to the Website.

These cookies do not require your consent as they allow you, in particular, to access the Website.

2. Functional cookies

These cookies facilitate and analyze the functioning of our Website. Thanks to these cookies, we can make your browsing experience more pleasant and personalized.

Thanks to them we can:

  • customize services (language, currency, location, navigation data, etc.);
  • remember your choices from a previous visit;
  • collect information from online forms;
  • compile statistics;
  • Analyze the use of the site.

Like technical cookies, these cookies are used to improve your browsing experience and do not require your consent.

Here is the list of cookies that we use:

wordpress_secsessionThis cookie is used to store your authentication details.
wordpress_logged_insessionRemember User session. WordPress sets the after login wordpress_logged_in_{hash} cookie, which indicates when you’re logged in, and who you are, for most interface use.
PHPSESSIDsessionThis cookie enables communication between the web server and browser and temporarily saves information about your session. For example, it ensures that you do not have to completely fill out a form again if you refresh the page or make an error.
wordpress_test_cookiesessionTest if cookie can be set. WordPress also sets wordpress_test_cookie cookie to check if the cookies are enabled on the browser to provide appropriate user experience to the users.
wp_settings / wp_settings_time_11yearCustomization cookie. Used to persist a user’s wp-admin configuration. The ID is the user’s ID. This is used to customize the view of admin interface, and possibly also the main site interface.
_gid24hUsed to identify the user – part of Google Analytics cookies
mailchimp_landing_site28 daysThis cookie is used to store which page was visited first on this website.
woocommerce_recently_viewedsessionPowers the recently viewed products widgets
elementorpersistentThis cookie is used by the WordPress theme site. It allows to modify the website content in real time.

Your rights with regard to the processing of your personal data

Cookies that process personal data are subject to the rules on the protection of personal data. In this context, you have certain rights (right of access, right of rectification, right of opposition, right of withdrawal of consent, etc.).

We refer you to our Privacy Policy ( ) which sets out your rights and the conditions under which they apply.


We reserve the right to change the provisions of this Policy at any time. We will publish the changes directly on our Website.

Applicable law and competent courts

This Policy is governed by the national law of our principal place of business as set out above.

Any dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of this Policy shall be submitted to the courts of such national law.

This version of the Policy is effective and has been updated as of 14/08/2024.